Our commitment

We commit to sharing learning advice governed by the following 4 principles:

  1. Inclusive and holistic

We adapt our advice based on access to diverse adult learners across all industries. We see wellbeing and developing empathy as key pieces of the 'smart learning' puzzle. We draw on our experience of other sectors to keep our advice rooted in the world of work.

  1. Seeing the bigger picture

Our support plugs right into current debates within and beyond education. 

We ground our thought leadership in the context of all stakeholders in education, hence our work with educators and EdTech companies.

  1. Authenticity

Every day we try to become smarter learners ourselves.

We have worked right across the education sector – schools, higher education, tutoring, adult learning – and across the world – Asia, Europe and the US.

Our advice stems from decades of personal and professional experience underpinned by our monitoring of research from the Learning Sciences.

  1. Furthering a social mission

As passionate educators and social entrepreneurs, we see Smart Learning Technologies as a contributor to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 4: quality education for all.